TOKEN Immersive Bootcamp

TOKEN Immersive Bootcamp will take place on 29th and 30th of April and is being organised in order to create a common ground of knowledge for all the partners of the TOKEN project. This Bootcamp will enable the owners of the Pioneer Use Cases to dive in understanding the actual potential of Distributed Ledger Technologies for the transformation of Public Services. It […]

Wednesday Webinar: Blockchain/DLT Integration with FIWARE

Online Event

FIWARE Wednesday Webinars - Integrating FIWARE with Blockchain/DLTs (1 July 2020) This webinar will be an introduction to Blockchain and how FIWARE can be integrated with Blockchain/DLTs with a demo. In addition, it will also explain upcoming DLT components in the FIWARE ecosystem and an idea/state of art to leverage DLTs in 'Powered by FIWARE' […]

National Event: Transforming public services with distributed ledger technologies

Online Event

Blockchain and other Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) are the cornerstone of future innovation. They secure processes thereby solving problems related to trust, transparency, and confidentiality. In the public sector, as in any other sector, this will bring about a transformation of the services offered. TOKEN is a project funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme. […]

FIWARE eGov DAY: From eGovernment to eGovernance: Open Platforms for Public Value Creation

Online Event

More and more, eGovernance applications are becoming part of citizens’ lives as they save costs and citizens’ time. The major elements are connectivity, information, skill set, budget. Given how tight public budgets often are, the return on investment is the major focus for governments when looking into digitizing their services. How can they go about […]

TOKEN Policy Observatory at Untitled Festival

Online Event

On 17th-18th September, the first TOKEN Policy Observatory at Untitled festival. All the TOKEN sessions will be organized during this festival time. The sessions are: A get-together for TOKEN consortium partners at the beginning of the festival. Three conversations on Token vision. Initial topics: 1) Radical transparency will be the future of public administration and will […]