Use Cases
The TOKEN bottom up approach includes design and implementation of at least four specific cases of public service transformation via adoption DLT (Pioneer Use Cases) to stimulate interaction, experimentation and cross- learning to engage research and innovation.

Theses Use Cases will improve citizens and civil servants life helping to streamline bureaucratic and procurement processes while increasing transparency. Furthermore, TOKEN use cases aim at the creation of interoperable public services in which citizens regain control of their data.
Value will be ingrained in adaptable technologies, accounting for self-sovereignty, interoperability and modularity for services such as public funding distribution, transparent management of public accounts, last mile logistics in Smart Cities and market valorisation of data generated in the public domain.

These pioneer Use Cases have been selected on the basis of their impact in several perspectives

Potential for scalability and replicability in public agencies across Europe.

Technology standardization and orchestration by building upon IoT, and big data standards for Smart Cities such as FIWARE.

Better understanding of how public services are delivered, and the implications of DLT adoption when public value is provided through PPP (public–private partnership), local and regional governments.

Addressing the legal and regulatory aspects related to data sharing and privacy.

Connection to a wide range of public services’ user groups and stakeholders such as: civil servants, researchers, entrepreneurs, citizens, service/logistic operators and policymakers.