What is TOKEN
Launched in January 2020, TOKEN (Transformative Impact Of Blockchain Technologies in Public Services) is an EU funded project whose ultimate goal is to develop an experimental ecosystem to enable the adoption of Distributed Ledger Technologies and to prove its value, via highly replicable Use Cases, as driver for the transformation of public services.

Decentralised Ledger Technologies have the potential to allow public service to: improve effectiveness; reduce friction between agencies; reduce bureaucratic barriers; boost public engagement; enhance digital democracy and transparency; improve knowledge sharing; and foster automation.
TOKEN aims to provide a range of decentralised agnostic technological components enabling public agencies to pilot the adoption of Distributed Ledger Technologies towards more open, transparent, trusted and efficient public services.
TOKEN aims to offer plug and play interoperable decentralised technology enablers making possible for anyone to choose where they want to connect, having EBSI as the by default reference and providing a diversity of options and alternatives to the pilots.
We want to provide a transversal solution that can be used for any blockchain/DLT infrastructure, opening the options for the pilots and offering a range of open source modules of use for any public administration.
4 phases in detail
phase 1
Technology readiness
This phase will deliver tools, based on decentralized and distributed technologies as well as free, Open Source components that will leverage state-of-the-art cryptographic techniques such as Distributed Ledger and Attribute Based Credentials. This phase will also focus on secure data storage, control and transparency with regards to data sharing.
phase 2
Effectiveness and impact assessment
Four pioneer use cases on public funding distribution, public accounts management, urban logistics and data valorisation.
phase 3
Growing the ecosystem
This phase will gather a pan-European wide community of early adopters to examine the impact of adopting DLT in the public sector. It will include researchers, policymakers, technologists, developers, civil servants, and hitech entrepreneurs who are experts in the field of “Tokenization of the Public Services”.
phase 4
The sustainability of the Token Platform will be ensured by the creation of an open commons business model and a governance model.