FIWARE eGov DAY: From eGovernment to eGovernance: Open Platforms for Public Value Creation

Online Event

More and more, eGovernance applications are becoming part of citizens’ lives as they save costs and citizens’ time. The major elements are connectivity, information, skill set, budget. Given how tight public budgets often are, the return on investment is the major focus for governments when looking into digitizing their services. How can they go about […]

TOKEN Policy Observatory at Untitled Festival

Online Event

On 17th-18th September, the first TOKEN Policy Observatory at Untitled festival. All the TOKEN sessions will be organized during this festival time. The sessions are: A get-together for TOKEN consortium partners at the beginning of the festival. Three conversations on Token vision. Initial topics: 1) Radical transparency will be the future of public administration and will […]

Unblock the City

In this webinar, you will learn how public authorities, and specifically cities & municipalities, can use DLTs to improve their processes and solve issues related to trust, transparency and privacy. The webinar takes you at cruising speed around the progress made, ambitions of the project and introduces you to the four applications. - Learn about […]

National event: Impacto de Blockchain en los Servicios Públicos

Online Event

Santander Municipality, together with the University of Cantabria, organised an event for TOKEN in Spain. The event took place online, due to COVID-19 restrictions, and in Spanish. In this webinar, different entities and public administrations showed how the application of DLT allows public services to improve efficiency, boost public participation, increase transparency and promote automation […]

Integrating Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies in Smart Cities

Online Event

During the session, the potential derived from the use of blockchain and DLT technologies within the framework of Smart Cities will be analyzed, supporting the objectives of transparency and traceability of Smart Cities processes, as well as offering guarantees and confidence in transactions linked to the sharing and trading of public and private data (Data […]

National Event: Blockchain Policy for the Future of Public Services

Online Event

In times of uncertainty, people turn their eyes towards public power. Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) such as blockchain are claimed to bring new opportunities for more secure, agile, transparent and cost-effective public governance. Meanwhile blockchain is labeled as big hype for nothing. In this virtual event, we will bring stakeholders together to discuss the effects […]

National Event: Connecting Europe through blockchain and self sovereign identity

Online Event

Connecting Europe through blockchain and self-sovereign identity: A discussion on its benefit for public services Blockchain technology has enormous potential to enhance the way that citizens, governments and businesses interact, by enhancing trust between entities and improving the efficiency of operations. This, coupled with the developments in Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) in the world of digital […]

Talks on the uncertain promise of blockchain

Get ready to join us! Blockchain technology, when specifically and appropriately applied, may hold significant potential for the transformation and innovation of public policies and services. This sums up nicely what the BLING Interreg - BLockchain IN Government is trying to find out by means of experimenting with pilots and use cases. The BLING project […]

FIWARE DLT4Gov Day – Shaping the Future of Digital Governments

Online Event

Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) such as Blockchain do not just influence the technological world, they promise to reshape almost every conceivable part of society. By distributing information with a high level of transparency and security, DLTs have refined the internet by solving problems related to trust, transparency, and privacy. Not just for financial institutions but […]

Token Greek National Event

Proud to announce that the Token #GreekNationalEvent is taking place at the Greek Central Union of Municipalities (KEDE)' Meeting next Friday 23 July. An excellent opportunity for our partners Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH)/ITI and Municipality of Katerini to present the project and their innovative use case on management of public accounts using Distributed Ledger Technologies #DLTs. More insights […]

INFRACHAIN CHALLENGE: “Public Sector Blockchain”

The LHOFT 7 Rue Edmond Reuter, Contern

The Infrachain Challenge is a hackathon focused on Blockchain organized by Infrachain sponsored by the Ministry for Digitalisation.
Blockchain and DLT aficionados have 2 days to develop a solution that provides an innovative answer based on the Public Sector Blockchain.