Transformative impact
of distributed technologies
in public services

Transformative impact
of distributed technologies
in public services
#trustworthiness #transparency #privacy #efficiency

TOKEN’s Goal
To develop an experimental ecosystem to enable the adoption of Distributed Ledger Technologies and to prove its value via replicable Use Cases, as driver for the transformation of public services towards an open and collaborative government model approach.
TOKEN’s Ambition
Is to provide Public Service ready technological components able to support the transformation of Public Services by adopting Distributed Ledger Technologies
TOKEN’s Goal
To develop an experimental ecosystem to enable the adoption of Distributed Ledger Technologies and to prove its value via replicable Use Cases, as driver for the transformation of public services towards an open and collaborative government model approach.
TOKEN’s Ambition
Is to provide Public Service ready technological components able to support the transformation of Public Services by adopting Distributed Ledger Technologies
Use Cases
TOKEN will provide to 4 use cases a range of open source enablers based on decentralised architectures that are Blockchain and DLT agnostic and useful to connect with any blockchain or DLT infrastructure, having the European Blockchain Service Infrastructure EBSI as a clear reference.
Public Services

Pioneer Use Case
Grant distribution via competitive Open Calls

Pioneer Use Case
Mail Post/Mobility

Pioneer Use Case
Smart City Services

Pioneer Use Case
Public procurement
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