From a focus on transparency to prioritizing accountability

From a focus on transparency to prioritizing accountability

One of the most often touted reasons for integrating Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) into public services is the opportunities it creates for transparency. While not easily defined, transparency in public services typically refers to making “reliable, relevant and timely information about the activities of government…available to the public”.

What data isn’t: New metaphors for data ownership

What data isn’t: New metaphors for data ownership

The collection of personal data is not a new practice, with the first government census going as far back as 3800 BCE in the Babylonian empire. The commodification of data, however, has been amplified by the increasing digitization of the modern era. For the average...

After ‘Blockchain Fatigue’

After ‘Blockchain Fatigue’

“You are sitting at a cafe recommended to you by an algorithm, at a table that was cut on a CNC milling machine; you pay for your coffee with cryptocurrency, which you do by tapping your smartphone against the register; the voices of children playing an AR game filter...